Custom Massages: 60/$85, 90/$125
Custom Massage: Every massage is custom made to the client’s needs. Using Swedish techniques utilizing firm to light pressure on the muscles using long yet gliding strokes, with combining deep tissue that focuses on realigning deeper layers in muscles. Tools offer to facilitate healing that can be used include hot stones, massage gun, cupping, and Gua-Sha. Each session is incorporated with aromatherapy, sound healing, and use of organic food grade coconut oil.
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Spirit Warrior 2hr $165
Mind, Body, Spirit Session: A two-hour session that consists of massage, reiki chakra balancing, sound healing, and a shamanic cleansing ritual. The session begins with a quick meditation and shamanic energy cleanse. The majority of the session will be focused on the body with a custom massage followed by some sound healing and reiki.
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Shamanic Healing 1hr $75
Shamanic Healing Session: a process of using healing techniques that have been used by indigenous cultures for thousands of years. It opens the door for healing on a physical, mental, and emotional level. The shaman practitioner is the facilitator who connects with the spirit world on behalf of the client using different techniques such as: sound therapy with drums and rattles, singing, herbal remedies, etc. Session begins with spiritual counseling and divination which determine which techniques are going to be offered for the clients healing session. This appointment requires a phone conversation prior to booking to discuss intention and determine if this session is appopriate. Watching the YouTube on “What is a shamanic healing session” in the Shamanism page is a pre-requisite. Press Here
Reiki Session 1hr $75
Reiki is an energy healing technique in which the Reiki practitioner uses gentle hand movements with the intention to guide the flow of healthy energy (life force) through the client’s body to reduce stress and promote healing. Reiki is a form of complementary and alternative medicine; there’s evidence it can reduce daily stress and help with management of some chronic diseases.
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House Cleansing and Blessing.
The house cleansing is ideal for those moving into a new house, apartment, office or space. The cleansing ritual starts with communication with the land and followed by clearing out all negative or dense energy by using herbs, mantra, protection amulets, etc. Prices ($250-$1000) depend on size and location of the property and will be determined when the appointment is made. Call and leave a message for more information.